
"Microaggressions" is an interactive digital art piece that explores the impact of seemingly innocuous words on our daily lives. Utilizing JavaScript, this canvas-based artwork dynamically generates an ever-changing collage of text, showcasing a combination of words representing "regular" words and "sensitive" words. The sensitive words, colored in red, represent the microaggressions that, despite their subtlety, cause pain and discomfort. As users interact with the words, they discover microaggressions amidst the sea of text, revealing the omnipresence of these hurtful phrases in our daily conversations. By clicking on the words, users can witness the text physically reacting - increasing in size, changing color, or vibrating - which serves as a metaphor for the emotional response elicited by these seemingly harmless expressions. "Microaggressions" invites viewers to reflect on the power of language and to reconsider the impact of their own words on others, fostering empathy and understanding.

2023, Digital Altar